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FOSS Committee

Friends of Stalham Schools


Chair: Sarah McAllister, Vice Chair: Lisa Marshall


Secretary: Hannah Withers Treasurer: Sophie Powley


Committee Members: Amanda Brothwood, Amanda Stewart, Annette Skipper, Claire Whiting, Elizabeth Jackson, Emma Bailey, Emma Chrismas, Gemma Dorrington, Jeni Boardman, Leah McGrattan, Paula Browning, Rachael Croft, Sarah Benton, Ella Barnes and Glenn Russell.


The main objective of FOSS is to; fund many great opportunities for the school and pupils. We subsidise most, if not all the year group trips, buy playground equipment, fund theatre workshops, donate towards Year 6 leavers parties, purchase extra technology equipment, musical instruments and much, much more… We are currently looking to improve our outdoor classroom and surrounding area, to enhance playtime opportunities and social interaction, along with providing an outdoor space which will be accessible and suitable all year round.


Many events are enjoyed by the school community; including parents, pupils and staff. These are made possible, due to the hard work and dedication of the FOSS Committee and support from the Staff, Teachers and Pupils at Stalham Infant and Junior Schools.


The Discos are always popular and continue to be fun for the pupils each term. This year we will continue with our Halloween, Valentines and May Ball discos. In addition to these events, we organise the sale of Personal Christmas cards, a Christmas Fayre, Easter Competition, bingos and NEW this year we are trialling ‘Family Film Nights’.


FOSS support the school, by raising extra funds for the pupils to gain additional curricular activities and enrichment and will continue to do so, if the support of friends and parents continue to come forward and join us.


We are currently seeking new members and encourage new members to join us. You will receive a warm welcome at our committee meetings, which take place once a term on a Wednesday night at 7pm. For any fundraising ideas or enquiries, please contact; Sarah McAllister by email at


If you shop with any of the 3000 companies that give donations, you can be raising money for the school with NO cost to you. Click on the logo below to register.

Thank you.

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